My Purpose

There is no life, either personal or professional, that is not characterized by change. An inescapable aspect of the human condition, change can spark vibrancy as much as it creates turbulence.

Change always offers a chance to be and do something different, something more. Although changing conditions may be out of our control, how we respond to them is not. In accepting that things are always changing, we have the opportunity to direct our efforts, both individually and organizationally.

Diversity is a wondrous fact of life, and I believe that quashing it–-like resisting change–-is deadening. We cannot possibly generate the solutions needed in today’s world without the ideas generated by diverse people with diverse lenses. Monochromatic workplaces are relics of the past, as are “one-size-fits-all” approaches.

Still, those people and organizations who prize diversity may be challenged to cultivate it. Blind spots and the powerful pull of the status quo must be systemically addressed if we hope to create truly inclusive workplaces.

My purpose is to work with leaders who believe that change is not just a challenge but also exhilarating, and who understand that diversity is not frightening, but oxygenating. I am excited about and committed to clients who want to expand and transform not only their businesses, but also, themselves and their worlds.

My Background

I am an executive coach and trainer to midlevel and senior leaders. This is my second career; my first career was in healthcare, where I worked as both a clinician and a health educator.

My special interests are:

  • Coaching leaders to grow their humanity, competency and authenticity in times of intense swirl
  • Supporting teams to manage change and tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty
  • Building organizational cultures that champion and leverage diversity

I’ve worked in a variety of industries and settings, including nonprofit organizations, start-ups, and global headquarters. Although much of my work has been centered in medicine and health care, I have spent significant time in the tech, arts, and finance sectors.

I am currently based in California USA, and have worked extensively in Asia and Western Europe. I deeply value the experiences and perspectives of colleagues and friends around the world.

I am a graduate of the executive coaching program at Hudson Institute (Santa Barbara USA) and have completed residential training programs in Conflict Mediation and Change Management in Scotland, Greece, and Australia. In addition, I hold a Master Degree in Public Health (MPH), a Health Education Specialist certification (CHES), and am a Physician Assistant (Emerita.)

For fun, I love books, films, cooking, walking, and travel. Oh, and puzzles!